Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Signing up a new account

New in oDesk and you don’t know what to do? I will give you  a step by step procedure on how to register in oDesk. Just follow the instructions and everything will be fine. Remember to fill up the forms with correct details. Don’t worry about your privacy as oDesk will always keep it  private.
Now, are you ready to start your career in oDesk? Then what are you waiting for, start following these simple steps and you will not regret it. Just click the link below.


You will be redirected to  the website of oDesk. Upon reaching the homepage you will see this:
step 1Just click the register button in order to create a new account.


You will by directed in the next page and you will see three options as seen in the picture.
step 2Tick the second option that shows Freelance Provider and a form will appear.


Complete the forms with all the necessary details needed. It must be correct and accurate. After filling up the form click the continue button. See the picture below:
step 3


Afterwards, you will be directed again into another page like this:
step 4
You will see four options and each one has its own link. The first option is to verify your account. Go to your email address and open your inbox. Open the message from oDesk and click the link to activate your account. Then a green check will appear and move on to the next link.


The next link will be filling out your contact information. Just complete all the fields in the form with your information details. And then click the save and continue button. The page will look like this:
step 5


The third link is to complete your oDesk profile. Just tick the box of the category that you thinks suits your abilities. The picture below shows a variety of jobs in oDesk.
step 6


The forth and last link will be accepting the oDesk Marketplace User Agreement to protect the rights of both parties as seen below:
step 7


Congratulations! You have now created your provider’s account. But don’t think you can start now, it is only the beginning. You have to finish editing and making your profile presentable to your buyers. Remember that your profile will reflect you so take time to create it and think of a nice and catchy title for yourself to attract buyers.
You also have to take the oDesk Readiness Test. Don’t panic, just relax, it is just an easy exam for you to know some of the rules and regulations of oDesk and be able to apply for more jobs. Cause let’s face it, nobody really took the time to read all the long rule and regulations of every company. :)
Anyways, I hope you find this post helpful in starting and creating your new account in oDesk. Just always remember to be honest and cater only what you can do. Thank you for your time  in reading this post.

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